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Senior Mental Health

Are You Having Trouble Adjusting To Aging?


Has getting older made you feel lonely and depressed?


Are you frustrated with losing abilities as you age?


Do you wrestle with regrets over your choices in the past and wish you could do it all over?


Maybe you’re struggling to find meaning in a stage of life that feels very isolating. Perhaps you’re trying to adjust to retirement but you’ve found that, without work, you feel aimless and unfocused.

Additionally, you might be dealing with heavy existential questions about death and spirituality. Perhaps you’ve realized that you can no longer avoid thinking about the end of your life. This could make you anxious and depressed. You might ask yourself: How can I be certain that my life has been well spent?

You Might Be Struggling With Changes In Your Health And Social Life


One of the hardest parts of getting old is dealing with the loss of certain physical abilities. You probably find that your stamina isn’t what it used to be and tasks that were once easy aren’t as simple anymore. You might also be struggling with illness and trying to adjust to a new diagnosis.


Additionally, you may find that your social life isn’t the same. Old friends may have faded out of your life and you may not see family as much as you’d like to. Physical limitations and mobility issues could prevent you from having the connections you once had.


Senior mental health therapy can help you come to a place of acceptance in your life and find meaning wherever you are on your journey. Whether you’re new to counseling or you’ve done it before, my goal is to help you get in touch with your values and navigate the challenges of old age.

Getting Older Is Hard In A Society That Doesn’t Prioritize Seniors


Aging is not highly valued in the United States. We don’t have a lot of resources in place for people who are elderly. So much comes down to each senior’s family support system and how willing and able children are to care for their parents and elders. For those who don’t have kids or family members caring for them, there is a very limited social safety net.


Additionally, the loss of certain abilities makes it hard for the elderly to stay connected and active in their communities. For example, losing the ability to drive makes it very hard to get around in a society where driving is essential. And for seniors whose social life revolves around their job, retirement can be deeply lonely and create lots of mental health issues.


Many older adults fear living alone. But by the same token, many of them also fear being put in an assisted-living facility if they can’t live alone. Needless to say, old age is not an easy time. This is why it’s so important for the elderly to have mental health support. The right help can make a huge difference during this trying time of life.

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Therapy Can Help Seniors Improve Their Mental Health And Tap Into Their Inner Wisdom 

Aging is a privilege. Not everyone will be given extended time in this life. Nonetheless, aging is also not for the faint of heart. It’s a rich time in people’s lives, but it’s often marked by sadness over the loss of abilities, the passing of lifelong friends, and the diminishing of one’s choices.

Therapy is a chance to process all of these hardships with someone who cares for you deeply. It can help you explore what acceptance means to you at this stage of life. The focus is on healing from the wounds of the past and finding what brings you meaning and satisfaction in old age. 

What To Expect In Senior Counseling Sessions


Oftentimes, initial sessions focus on addressing immediate concerns like depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Sometimes counseling looks at logistical issues like managing finances, making decisions about care, and working on end-of-life affairs.

Further work can dive into how you process the hangups of old age, such as challenges with mobility and declines in cognitive functioning. This work often turns into more existential exploration, helping you think about what’s been meaningful in your life and how you’ve contributed to the world.

In this way, counseling for the elderly gives you a chance to review your life. It’s like taking a bird’s eye view of your time here on earth. We’ll look at what you’re proud of, what you wish you had done differently, and what you can do to enjoy the time you have left. The goal is to live in the present instead of always getting hung up on the past or future.

Tailoring Your Therapy Plan


Obviously, old age is a spectrum—some of the clients I see are newly retired and in their 60s, while others are decades older and approaching the end of their lives. I always adjust my approach depending on where you are.

If you’re on the younger side of seniority, you and I can focus on navigating retirement, increasing your support system, and exploring ways to fill your free time. For end of life counseling, we can work on finding meaning and purpose in what you’ve accomplished and managing any anxiety about passing away.


The challenges of getting older are real and often underestimated by our society. But at the same time, there is wonderful work to be done at this stage of life and there is tremendous wisdom that comes with old age. Senior therapy is a chance to tap into that wisdom and use it to improve your mental health, relationships, and every aspect of your life.


You May Have Some Questions About Senior Mental Health Therapy…

I feel like I’m too old to change. Why should I go to counseling?

Changing isn’t always the goal of counseling. Instead, I encourage you to think of therapy as a space for self-exploration. It’s a chance to understand who you are, not change who you are. This could be a bit challenging if you were raised in an environment where mental health wasn’t a priority and it wasn’t normal to talk about your feelings. That’s okay. I will go at whatever pace is right for you and help you explore yourself on your own terms.

I’m worried that a younger counselor won’t understand what it’s like being older.

Although I may be younger than you, I am confident that we both share the same desire for meaning, purpose, and connection. Besides, I am not presumptive in my approach. I will not “tell” you what to feel—I’m here to walk alongside you and help you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself. What’s more, I consider it an honor to work with older adults. I often learn a lot from them and love to hear the stories and experiences that have shaped their lives.

I’ve felt depressed and anxious for such a long time. Can therapy really help?

In my experience, yes! Sitting with a therapist and exploring your emotions can greatly benefit your mental health. Even if you’ve felt the same way for a long time, getting a new perspective on your situation and having someone else provide feedback is always beneficial. It’s especially helpful when that person is separate from your life and can be more objective.

Getting Older Isn’t Easy.

You Don’t Have To Go it Alone.

If you wish you had someone supportive to walk with you through the challenges of old age, I encourage you to try my senior mental health services. I am an approved Medicare provider.

To get started, you can fill out the contact form or call 708-381-0634.

Kara E. Wolff, PhD
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